Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our Last Night in Europe

We got into Madrid (for the third time) at 2:30 PM and I managed to sleep pretty much all of the train ride because you feel a lot more comfortable knowing there isn’t a risk a group of gypsies is going to come by and steal your shit. Once in Madrid we headed straight to our hostel where we had a two bed private room book for the purpose of sleeping all day which we pretty much did. We set the alarm for 8:30 so we could watch the Spain v Germany game. When we woke up we were still pretty out of it and decided that rather than trying to cram into a hot bar and probably not get a very clear view of the game we stayed in our room and watched it there and decided to head out to the same plaza we did last victory if they won.

After Spain won we bought a bottle of wine and a liter of beer and headed to the square. On the way we ran into a this Canadian girl who told us about Orange Café and how it had a happy hour from 11:30 - 12:30 in which you got unlimited free drinks. Jeff got the directions from her as they headed off t Jeenff and I stayed in the plaza until we finished our drinks and took in the celebration. We noticed a lot of people kept staring at us and we figured out why. One of the people looking at us came up to us and asked if we were German. I am not sure if Jeff mentioned it, I know I haven’t, but it has come up quite often that people think we are German which is better than people thinking we are Canadian I guess lol.

When we left to get on the subway Jeff forgot the name of the station we need to go to, hoping when he saw it he would remember it which didn’t happen. He was pretty certain it began with an “a” and luckily there was only one station out of the three lines that were there that fit that criteria. When we got off at that station we still weren’t certain that it was the right stop but when we asked some people where Orange Café was it turned out to be right down the street.

The bar was hosting North America night so even though we were finally able to escape Aussies, we still had to deal with Canadians. Once we got our cup, we began pounding sangria and beer before the free hour was up. When 12:30 rolled around I was all set and ready to go to the dance floor. About an hour or so later the stage cleared out of everyone except two people up there making out. Trying to make them feel as uncomfortable as possible I began to dance circles around them until eventually they left and the floor was mine. I started busting out some pretty unique moves as now the sangria was in full force, and when I was near the edge of the stage I uppercut some girls beer from her hand which went flying in the air and then landed on top of another girl who was dripping in beer. After apologizing to her, her boyfriend shows up asking what the hell my problem was and my best response was “sangria?”. Well eventually this guy felt the need to prove his worth and began to threaten me and so being the testosterone driven person I am I walked away lol. Jeff was pretty much ready to head out at this point to so we left.

The subway system was closed so we had quite a bit of a walk back. At one point we were walking down a large pedestrian road that was crowded with prostitutes. Jeff kept asking how much and you can only do that so many times before one of them leaches on to you. The girl came up to me and after I kept saying no even after she cut the price in half to 25 euros (probably because I am a stud). She then grabbed my shirt and knotted it in her hand so the only way I could escape was by ripping my shirt so we went to her place. Just joking. After about a 5 minute struggle I finally freed myself and I looked around and Jeff was gone. When I got back to the hostel Jeff was already there. He said he also got corned by a prostitute and after he repeatedly sad no she said “fuck you” and left him.

I wanted to check my gmail, and when I went on the computer I saw that our mom was on skype and being just a little under the influence we decided to call her. We tried to bargain for her to bring us to a 5 star restaurant when we got back and then Jeff asked her to send him 25 euros for the prostitute. After our drunk dial to our mom we ended up going to sleep.

This morning we packed up our stuff and headed out to the airport. I am currently writing this on our plane to Atlanta where we transfer for our flight to Detroit.

Hopefully you found our journey entertaining and didn’t lower your view of us, which I know is pretty hard considering how low you viewed us before this trip.


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