Monday, May 31, 2010

"Czech"ing out Prague (Sorry had to do it)

It took us about 2 hours longer then expected because the trains we were on kept breaking down or people threw up on them so it was a relief when we finally got there.

Pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way no matter what the situation

When we got to our hostel in Prague it looked a little run down which made me nervous to see the room. When I booked it I told them to give us the cheapest beds they had, however it never occurred to me they could get 25 beds into one room. The best part about it was that it was on the top floor of the 5 story building that didn’t have an elevator. So by the time we got to the top with our packs we already had a little sweat going and then we walk into the room which they kept a nice 85 degrees or so. They had single beds and bunk beds scattered all around the wall with the lockers located in the middle. After about 5 minutes of punching my bag into the locker we headed back downstairs to see if we could cancel our remaining 2 nights. He let us do so but after checking out some other hostels and talking to the guy we could upgrade for about 3 euro to a six bed that didn’t have anyone in it. This was probably the smartest move we made of the trip thus far considering no one else came in for the other 2 nights so we had the room to ourselves our entire stay.

After our sleeping arrangements were done we got down to the real reason we were in Prague, boozin.  The guy at the hostel recommended a few bars and so we headed out. On the way we walked by a Jack Rabbit Slims (which looked way to classy) and a Big Lebowski bar (which was a hole).  We missed our turn and ended up in the Old Town Center which is crowded with people trying to sell you drugs (my favorite one was the guy that asked if “we wanted some ice cream for the nose”). At the bar we saw some people from our hostel (2 from England, 2 from the Netherlands) and began talking to them for a while until we realized when they just said they just graduated they meant high school. We headed out to this other bar that is the biggest in Europe at 5 stories. When we got there though they were charging a cover of 6 euros and heard it wasn’t all that great and sounded pretty dead so we decided to just walk the town a little more. We snagged some good night pics and by that time it was approaching 2 AM so decided to head back.

Tyn Church

Prague Castle

Notice the 4th one down.

The next day we decided to take the sub rather than walk all the way to the city center. As Jeff was waiting for me to buy my ticket he was checking out their brochures and one of them was 10 rules of riding an escalator. After getting my ticket and brushing up on our escalator etiquette we were ready to go. Once we got into town we were once again bombarded by drug dealers that literally stand within 5 feet of each other and as soon as you tell one guy no the next guy has already started asking you. As we completed our tour of the square we headed to the Jewish quarter. The biggest site there was the Jewish cemetery in which they were only allotted a small plot of land to bury their dead and did so four about 300 years so there is just tombstones stacked together. The best part about it is that you had to pay a ticket (not a fine)  of about 2 euros to take a picture. Naturally we said screw that and went black ops on their asses.

Some layers are up to 12 coffins deep.

That night we did a pub crawl that cost about 16 euro and the bar you start at you get free beer and shots of shitty vodka. There were probably around 130 people or so doing the crawl so they were just continuously pouring beer and shots. After a couple of games of flip cup and taking some shots with some people I was in party mode. We left the bar at 11:30 and went to 3 different bars each of which we got a free shot when we entered. The last bar we went to they rented out a bus to take us on a dropped us of BFE. Jeff ended up leaving earlier with a group of people and when I left the people I was with had their hostel right by the bar and mine was way way away. So I just start walking in a random direction until I hit tram lines. Then after a coin toss decision on which direction to head I start walking down the tracks to next station. At the stops they don’t have maps but just a list of the stops which was perfect because I didn’t remember the name of any of the stops we were at earlier in the day. After about an hour or more of navigating I got back to the hostel just as the sun was starting to rise fml.

The next day (or I guess later that day) I got up around 10 AM and surprisingly for only getting about 5 hours of sleep I felt ready to go. Jeff on the other hand looked like he had a foot in the grave. So I decided to check the area around our hostel out. I stopped in the nearby grocery store and got a milk since it had probably been more then a weeks since I last drank dairy and the smallest size they sold it was a liter. So I walked the streets of Prague with my liter of milk and about 10 minutes later the sun came out and it got immensely hot out and all I kept thinking about was the scene from Anchorman. I ended up walking to their military museum in which you could go to the roof for a nice view of the city. They also charged you about 3 euros to have the privilege of taking photos on the roof because you just can’t let any guy just coming around and taking pictures for free.

Giant TV tower put there by those damn commies.

When I got back Jeff was still set on not getting out of bed so we decided meet at 3:30 in town. However Jeff slept till 3:15 so I was left hanging. At about 6 though we ran into each other at Prague Castle (very random) and then made our way to get some real authentic Czech food at the 6 euro chinese buffet. After completely stuffing ourselves we headed back to the hostel to get ready for the pub crawl again (they reduce the price to half for returning alcoholics so you can’t pass that up).

The pub crawl wasn’t as large as it was the night before but was still a good time. We went to different bars and ended in a spot much closer to our hostel. When I left there was a KFC right across the street so after hitting that up I started the short uneventful walk back.

We woke up at 8 am today (which is May 28),not sure why we are waking up so early at our own free will, and got on the next train to Berlin which we are on now.


1 comment:

  1. LOL sounds like fun, milk was a bad choice. hahahahaha u lushes. Jeff, i think ur gettin too old to drink like that eh? :p
