Monday, May 24, 2010

Our Bender in Buda

Our train arrived in Budapest only 3 hours behind schedule because the train lost power about an hour outside of the city and we just sat there doing nothing. We also failed to get a sleeper cart for the train for the 18 ½ hour train ride. Lucky after about 8 hours we stopped in Zagreb, Croatia and the other four people in our cabin left and we had the place to ourselves so we put up the armrests and passed out. Didn’t last too long though because it seemed we were woken up every hour by people either checking our tickets or passports. We went through 4 countries and got our passport checked 7 times.

Once we walked out of the station in Budapest we were faced with three massive signs: Burger King, KFC, and Mc Donalds (it was like being home). Later we found out that Mc Donalds pretty much sponsors the entire rail system because on the trains it has a map of all the routes and all the Mc Donalds in town (easily reaching the 30s). After reaching the hostel they gave us a recommended place to go eat, and it was a pretty nice spot and we both were able to get really full for about 3000 Forints which is an obvious steal. After that Jeff headed back to the hostel and I headed out on a mission to find a jacket. I bought a rain jacket at a second hand store and after which I must have looked like a local because I was asked directions twice on the way back. When I did get back it was apparent that drinking time had begun. The name of our hostel was Carpe Diem which means “seize the night” so pretty much everyone in the hostel went out (including the people that worked there and the owners). So we headed out for a night of karaoke and after singing until my throat hurt and my legs were sore from breaking it down.

It was good I had sore legs because the next day I logged a good 15 miles or so. We started by going on a walking tour of the city after which we went to the House of Terror.

This building was used originally by the Nazis after their invasion into Hungary and then by the Soviets during their occupation of Hungary. It was a pretty powerful museum with pictures of those killed and vivid descriptions of their suppression. We then left to head back to the hostel and on the way we passed a Subway. I looked in there to check the prices and it seemed it was equal to about $5 for a foot long. As I am ordering my sub the other worker is following behind her doing putting on the exact same stuff. It wasn’t until after the veggies did I realize she thought I ordered two. After trying to explain I only wanted one I gave up and decided to take the loss. Then upon check out it was about twice as much as I was expecting because I realized the prices listed where for 15cm not 30cm. Therefore I paid $20 for 60cm of sub and reached one of the lowest points of the trip thus far.

By the time we got back people were getting ready for the night and for whatever reason the people that work at the hostel decided to make it a drag night (which just turned into dress ridiculous). So they show up with four giant bags of random clothing, some of which they claim they found in dumpsters, and let us have at it.  We headed out to another karaoke bar where we stuck out to say the least. After I sang “Best of You” and pretty much yelling the entire thing, I was all set since it hurt to swallow. So I turned to my alternative plan which was to go around the city and get some good night pics. I left the bar around 11:30 and wandered around till about 1. One the climb up to some of the monuments its was pretty close to complete darkness and all I kept thinking about is this is how the stories for taken abroad start. I was able to make it back unscathed though and with some good pictures as well and upon my return at the last of my $20 subway purchase.

The next day Jeff and some other people from the hostel headed out to the mineral baths, but still being sour over my subway experience I decided to wander around the city some more. We ended up meeting up a little before 4pm at the bus stop so we could go do some caving. We took the buses to a spot just outside the heart of the city and was the location of one of the longest caves in Hungary that served as a fallout shelter as well. After gearing up in our overalls and helmet we headed down into the caves. I was expecting it mostly just to be cave walking but was surprised and the amount of tight spaces we traveled through. I would say 40 percent of the time in the cave was spent crawling on my stomach. It was an awesome experience and our guide was really laid back and like to show off his caving abilities but if I was that good I would scale down (and then up) and a good 5 meter drop that was pretty much a hole in the floor.

When we got back us and another 5 guys from our hostel  we missed the beginning of the pub crawl so the one last staff person there was about to head out so he was able to guide us to the right spot. Out of the 3 nights this one was the best. The bars we went to were just ridiculous and got better as we went. The first bar we walked pretty much through and abandoned warehouse to the very end where there was a huge open buy with random graffiti all over the place. The second bar was furnish with stuff they found. There was one main bar with a dance floor and then about 6 rooms filled with couches, reclines, coffee tables, etc. It felt like you were in a living room. One of the guys on the crawl broke one of the windows inside the bar and the owners didn’t really care because they said they luck their stuff weathered so they picked up the glass and left the remaining pieces in the frame. The last bar was the biggest of all. The downstairs had 3 different bars with about 7 major rooms. One of the rooms was decked out with old cars that they gutted and turned into booths and bathtubs they knocked the front out of and elevated so you could sit in them. Going upstairs it had a balcony going all around (where you could look down on the downstairs) connecting with four major rooms one of which was a bar and the other three  had a living room type feel to them as well. (They told us the second bar we went to was trying to copy off of this bar). After find a nice spot we order up some sheesa (their name for hooka) and just relaxed.

We ended getting back around 3:30 and they all went to bed and I went to check my email in the main room. As I was sitting there one of the girls staying there walked out and into the kitchen and then a couple minutes behind her (out of the same room) walks out one of the guys that works there completely in the buff and after seeing me, quickly grabbed a nearby towel.

We didn’t end up making the 9:10 train to Vienne due to the fact we were sleeping, but are currently on the 11:10 and should be getting to Vienne in about an hour and a half. As of right now I am just looking forward to sleeping.


Also I am aware that there are typos its just I am writing these on the train when I am very tired and really don't care (can't stress that last part enough)

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