Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tourist just being touristy

On our 15 1/2 hour ferry ride which turned out to be 16 1/2 we met this Andrew from California and was already traveling for a month. After realizing we had the same plan for Italy we decided we would try to travel together and what better bonding experience is there then running for the train that is way further away then predicted and the opposite direction. The train from Bari to Naples is scheduled to leave at 9:50 and our ferry being an hour late landing at 9:20. So as we look as touristy as possible as we are running with our backs on we end up running on this road which then turns into a highway. It then being 9:40 we realized there was noway we were going to make it and now had to do the walk of shame by all the people we ran past earlier.

Jeff, wanting to feed his olive addiction, decided to order 1 kg of olives and yes that is a LOT of olives. After that we decided we should find the train station just to make sure we could make the 14:10 train. Andrew was able to find some 17 year old girl who spoke english and was very goth. She told him she once walked around her hometown with a butcher knife because why not. She walked with us to the train station (which was about a good 25 minute walk in the opposite direction the people on the ferry told us) as she told us some other unique stories. We then had a good 2 hours to kill so we (and I mean Andrew) decided we should go slackline. Andrew was the only one that was actually able to do it as my brother and I were only able to balance about 2-3 seconds. It drew a descent crowd of visitors, which didn't bother me because I was wearing my safety shirt (my Toronto shirt).

One the train to Naples we meet another american from California, Kim, who was staying with two native Italians who are both attending school in Naples. Alessia was studying languages and spoke fluent english, Giandonato (who told us to call JD not sure where the J came from) also spoke english but got tripped up every now and again. They told us they would help us find our hostel because we had no idea where it was. At one point JD got on a city bus and had them put the address in the GPS device to help find it. Eventually we ended up finding the spot and agreed to meet up with them later that night.

At the hostel we meet Myar and Alex, both americans, and both decided to come out with us. When we meet up with the rest of them JD took us to his favorite bar that has 2 euro shots and we ordered a round of Jack. After that we headed over to a party store were they sell 1 euro Peroni's  which are 0.66L beers (a great deal). Throughout Italy you are able to drink on the street so after getting our beer we headed to one of the town centers which was crowded with students and preceded to drink and drink. I found out here that emo kids aren't limited to the USA as Alessia began to start pointing out all the emo kids in the piazza which lead to us getting into a hour long conversation of making fun of them. Well eventually all that beer has to exit and so JD took some people earlier to this restaurant to use the bathroom and pointed me in the same direction when I asked. However when I went there by myself the one guy asked me if I was American after which he found out the bathroom was broken lol. So after telling JD this he claims he will resolve the problem even though he is a few deep. When we walk in there he yells "you know why it is broken, because you are a f***ing tourist" in which everyone stares at me in one of the funniest/awkward moments of the trip. Also he pronounced tourist like terrorist which made it even better. He was able to get me into the bathroom however and after explained why a lot of stores didn't have prices because there are two prices (one for locals one for tourists). After returning back to the group I tried to take a picture and pressed the button to many times and flashed JD about 3 times which he then told me to stop "shot flashing" him and thus shot flash was born. JD would order a "shot flash" which would end with the person being blinded or running away. After everyone there could no longer see anything we decided to call it a night and head home.


1 comment:

  1. When are we going to see some shot flash pictures???
